Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
May 11, 2007
Molina's Speed

Bill Plaschke uses Jose Molina's steal of home as a metaphor for what's wrong with the Angels this season:

It's not only that Molina, with seven stolen bases in six major league seasons, swiped home.

It's that the Angels would be so desperate for runs they would actually ask Molina to swipe home.

"Right now, we're a team that needs to do stuff like this," bench coach Ron Roenicke said.

Here's hoping owner Arte Moreno was watching, and here's hoping he was understanding.

In May, the play was fun. In October, that play could be fatal.

Plaschke correctly points out that the Angels are second to last in home runs and walks. However, I don't know that trading a pitcher for a power hitter is the answer. Power is down this season, so there's not a lot of surplus talent out there. The real problem is that the Angels farm system hasn't delivered. They've tried to go with youth, and either the youth wasn't ready or the youth wasn't as good as they hoped. Either way, there's not a lot of offense on the team right now.

Correction: I had the wrong Molina brother.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:26 AM | Team Evaluation | TrackBack (0)


Benji's the Giant. Jose's the Angel.

Posted by: ralph at May 11, 2007 10:03 AM
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