Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
May 12, 2007
Throw in the Towel?

Richard Griffin suggests just that in reviewing the spate of injuries befalling the Blue Jays:

This year the DL has housed a Cy winner, the starting catcher, ace reliever, setup man, the leadoff man, an all-star third baseman and No.3 starter.

For Jays fans with soaring expectations of gaining the post-season for the first time since 1993, it's hand-wringing time.

They feel Roy Halladay's pain. Yesterday it was Doc's turn to hit the disabled list, suffering a bout of acute appendicitis while working out in the weight room with trainers before the game.

Sure, the starting ace had looked shaky in his previous two starts, pummelled by the Bosox on Thursday, but nobody is linking the looming appendicitis with the booming ERA. It's a coincidence, they maintain.

But what is abundantly clear is that Halladay will not be coming down from Mt. Sinai (Hospital) to lead his people to the promised land. The dream is over for another year.

The Jays are seven games under .500, seven games out of the wild card. A climb back into contention is going to be difficult, but not impossible. This could be Ricciardi and Gibbons finest moment.

But I doubt it. Of all the Moneyball GMs in baseball, Ricciardi is the most disappointing. He never seems to have the extra piece in the minors or the ability to make the trade for that player with the overlooked skill. This will likely be a very long summer in Toronto.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:38 AM | Team Evaluation | TrackBack (0)

The 'draft college players because they are near ready' strategie failed and left the system full of either power pitchers who lack control or control artists who lack an out pitch. With who is in AAA, I wouldn't be suprised to see David Purcey coming up from AA to replace Doc. Jeremi Gonzalez is in AAA and he has big league experience, but Purcey has ace potential and is getting old.

Posted by: Andrew at May 12, 2007 03:36 PM
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