Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
May 12, 2007
Shouldering the Blame

The Mariners sent Jeff Weaver to the DL with shoulder tendinitis, and not a moment too soon:

The Mariners are among the lighter opponents on the schedule, but their record is better than the Yankees, who are 16-18. Seattle is 16-15, but 16-9 in games not started by Jeff Weaver, who landed on the disabled list Friday with shoulder tendinitis.

Weaver was so bad, if the Mariners had signed almost anyone else, if they just called up a AAA starter, they're probably in first place right now.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:51 AM | Pitchers | TrackBack (0)

Shoulder tendinitis? More like bruised ego...

Posted by: Conor Glassey at May 12, 2007 08:20 PM
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