Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
May 16, 2007
The Other Bonds

Bobby Bonds, Jr. talks about his big brother Barry:

"Everyone asks," Bobby Bonds Jr. said. "The only thing I tell them is the same thing I tell everyone, 'I don't know if he took (steroids). Even if he did, he wouldn't have told me.' They ask the dumbest questions when, most of the time, they could figure it out themselves."

But has he ever asked his brother?

"Of course," he said. "He said, 'No man, I don't need to do that (stuff).' Point blank. I'm not going to sit here and try to pump my brother up. If he did it, if he snuck it, he's not going to let me know. You know what I mean? And if he did, he kept it quiet from the whole world.

"When other people started getting busted, of course, this guy hit 73 home runs, he's big as hell, let's go after him. But they've tested him, he's come back negative. I don't understand why they keep bringing it up. They can't prove it."

It's interesting that despite a point blank denial from the elder Bonds, Bobby leaves open the possibility that Barry did juice. That says a lot all by itself.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:24 AM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)

Hmm... I'm not sure I would say, "If he did, he kept it quiet from the whole world."

Posted by: amos at May 16, 2007 11:16 AM

Why do so many people continue to claim or imply that we don't know if he took steroids? He admitted it under oath! I am getting sick of this in baseball and the media. He admitted under oath to taking HGH--now, he claims he didn't know what is was, but the fact remains that those substances were in his body and had an affect on his performance after 1998. And we know why he has never tested positive, because the substances he admitted to taking can not accurately be tested for currently. Am I the only one that is going crazy here?

Posted by: bp32 at May 16, 2007 11:21 AM

Yes, Mr. Schilling, you are.

Posted by: Charlie at May 16, 2007 12:39 PM

He didn't admit he took steroids, he admitted that he took what he "thought" was flaxseed oil. I don't personally believe he was telling the truth, but saying that he "admitted to taking steroids" is a stretch.

Also, I'd like to add: I am a Padres fan, and so I have hated Barry Bonds for about 15 years. But the public rage for Barry Bonds regarding steroids is pretty weird to me. Alleged steroid-using players like Sammy Sosa and Roger Clemens (and probably hundreds more) are still active in the league, but Barry gets almost all of the scorn. It seems unfair.

Posted by: michael at May 16, 2007 12:56 PM

Reason Bonds is singled out is that he is in the news because of the home run record and being a first class jerk who tears up baseball cards kids give him to autograph and is too egotistical to appear in team photo which shows he is not a team player. He is focused on Bonds not how the team is doing. Not saying Sosa or Clemens haven't juiced up but that they from what I hear treat their fans better.

Posted by: Andrew Godfrey at May 16, 2007 04:32 PM

michael: read closely, I mentioned Bonds' 'qualification' during his testimony--the fact of the matter is the substances were in his system and given all we know that has been uncovered by Game of Shadows the evidence is pretty hard to ignore. If this were a civil court he would lose.

I think Andrew is correct as to why he recieves so much scorn--there is also more proof that with the other players you mention (and don't get me started on the positive test for amphetamines...)

Posted by: bp32 at May 17, 2007 06:17 AM
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