Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
May 16, 2007
Lee's Neck

Ivy Chat has more on why Derrek Lee didn't return to New York last night, plus this observation:

The Derrek Lee and Mark DeRosa stuff is frustrating. Not because they are hurt. Injuries happen. The frustration comes from the nebulous diagnoses and the team playing two players short while these guys recuperate. This has all the smell of Mark Prior and Kerry Wood injuries from years past. "He's fine, he's just having dialysis and we're seeking marrow donors. But, he's fine," is the standard tripe from the Jim Hendry era.

Posted by David Pinto at 01:50 PM | Injuries | TrackBack (0)

What does Chuck (from Ivy Chat) want?

Place them on the DL for 15 days when they only need a few games off?

Then again, I am not sure why you are citing Ivy Chat as a source anyway...

All sources have said that DeRosa and Lee will each miss a couple of games. It makes more sense for the Cubs to play a couple guys short for a few days than then to play without Lee and DeRosa for 15 days unnecessarily.

Posted by: dave at May 16, 2007 02:09 PM
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