Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
May 17, 2007
Talking Blackouts

Maury Brown notes the owners are starting to talk about changing blackout rules. Just don't expect anything to change soon.

I'm lucky. I'm in the Red Sox territory, so the only time they get blocked out on EI is when the opposition broadcast is picked up. But, NESN is provided free to us, so I just tune there when they don't show up on EI. Many others aren't that lucky. My gut is that if you pay for EI, you shouldn't be subject to the blackout.

Posted by David Pinto at 12:47 PM | Broadcasts | TrackBack (0)

I dislike the blackout rules. my 2 main beefs are:
1. being unable to watch an out-of-market broadcast of your local team when it's not shown locally
2. the saturday games that are blacked out becuase of the fox telecast

when will MLB realize that it is exceptionally stupid to deny people access to the games they want to watch? I'm not going to spend saturday afternoon watching darrel rasner pitch against the devil rays just because I can't see any of the other games going on at the same time.

Posted by: Morisseau at May 17, 2007 01:49 PM

Living in central Connecticut, the most frustrating thing about the blackout rules is losing out on Mets games.

Since we are considered in the Mets' broadcast area, their games are blacked out on the EI package and on TBS against the Braves. Also, any games on ESPN that are also broadcast on SNY are blacked out.

The problem is that no one outside of southern Connecticut (Fairfield, New Haven) gets SNY.

So outside of the 30 or so games -- it might actually be more -- that are syndicated or on Sunday night, Mets games are unavailable.

I hope they address this.

Posted by: Sam at May 17, 2007 06:16 PM
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