Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 15, 2007
Clemens vs. Franco

Julio Franco starts for the Mets tonight vs. Roger Clemens, probably one of the oldest batter/pitcher matchups of all time. I remember a great at bat between the two in Clemens' one hitter. I was at the game with a friend from England; it was his first baseball game. At one point, Clemens got ahead of Franco 2-0. He then threw a curveball that just missed the outside corner. Julio flinched at the pitch, and I turned to my friend and said, "He won't let that pitch go by again." The next pitch, Clemens busted him high and inside for ball two. On the fifth pitch of the at bat, Roger repeated the third pitch, except this time it broke about a foot off the plate. But Julio couldn't let it pass again, and swung and missed by a mile. A great example of setting up a batter by Roger.

Posted by David Pinto at 05:52 PM | Players | TrackBack (0)
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