Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 15, 2007
Greeting Bonds

Lots of asterisks at Fenway as Bonds comes up. People are holding signs and wearing tee-shirts. The booing wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, however, unless they've turned the microphones down.

Update: Bonds just misses hitting the Pesky Pole, then pops out to Pedroia in shallow right for the second out, leaving a runner at third. The Giants lead 1-0 on a Roberts single and a Sweeney double.

Update: The Giants score a second run on a wild pitch, but moving Drew to the top of the Red Sox lineup pays off as Drew gets hit and Pedroia homers into the Monster seats to tie the game.

Posted by David Pinto at 07:12 PM | Games | TrackBack (0)
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