Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 30, 2007
Pirates Protest

It's Bob Walk bobblehead night in Pittsburgh (worst name ever for a pitcher), and fans are planning to walk out of the game after the third inning. Pat Lackey is concerned that the club is trying to keep the protest from being televised:

The Pirates are actively attempting to crush dissent. The thing is, because the walkout is scheduled to be between innings, Fox Sports Pittsburgh and Mid-Atlantic Sports Network (the Nats' channel) cameras will be off, meaning that the Pirates plan might actually work. Local network KDKA does have a camera situated outside the park that can capture most of the images and pass them along to ESPN and other national outlets, but it's not particularly close to the park and won't be able to provide very high quality pictures. I suppose all Pirate fans can hope is that this plan somehow backfires on the Pirate owners and word gets out to bigger outlets that not only are fans protesting, but the Pirates are doing everything possible to make sure no one finds out about it.

Well, it would be fairly easy to walk out after the station comes back from commercial, which would make a lot more sense. And if ESPN really wanted to cover this, it's easy enough for them to send a camera man and producer to the game to film the walkout and interview protesters. Of course, given that the Pirates have the second lowest home attendance in the NL, most of the Pirates fans are protesting already by staying away.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:23 AM | Fan Rant | TrackBack (0)
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