Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 30, 2007
New CF

The Red Sox decided to solve their centerfield problem by calling up Jacoby Ellsbury. The twenty-three year old has a history of high OBAs low slugging percentages. In 67 combined games in AA and AAA this season, he posted a .396 OBA. For his career through 2006, that number was .391. As the Red Sox showed with Pedroia this year, they're willing to wait for a good youngster to adjust to the majors. If he lives up to expectations, the Red Sox regular lineup will have eight players with OBA's over the league average, with five of those far superior to that. He also frees the Red Sox to use either Crisp or Pena in a trade.

Update: Ellsbury is one for two so far tonight with an infield hit. So his OBA is off to a good start!

Posted by David Pinto at 09:06 PM | Rookies | TrackBack (0)

Seems odd that they'd make this switch now. Just going by my recollection of box scores the past few weeks, Coco Chanel's been hitting better than he ever has in the hated Sawx uni, while Ellsbury's batting average has been plummeting -- can't recall if his walk rate has suffered similarly. Would seem a smarter move earlier, when Ellsbury was smoking the ball after his promotion and Chanel was being Chanel.

Ellsbury 1 of 3 now -- weak squib in front of the plate, infield hit to ss, and infield popup.

Posted by: Yankee Fan in Chicago at June 30, 2007 09:35 PM

As a Sox fan, it's really amazing to see promising rookies appearing with some regularity. I'm curious though what the Sox will do with Brandon Moss. He's hitting really well in Pawtucket but unless (until?) Drew gets hurt, there's no room for a corner OF.

Posted by: Mecha-Shiva at June 30, 2007 11:07 PM

Ellsbury was brought up because Coco has a minor injury, and needs a few games off. This isn't a permanent shift; I suspect Ellsbury will be back in Pawtucket within a week. Also, there's some benefit in giving Ellsbury his first taste of MLB in a relatively low-pressure situation -- midseason games against lesser teams.

And if there's any thought to using a revived Coco as trade bait, they'd want to get a quick sense of whether Ellsbury is ready to step up.

Posted by: jvwalt at July 1, 2007 12:47 PM
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