Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
July 01, 2007
Mariners Keep Rolling

Miguel Batista out-pitched his old teammate Roy Halladay last night as the Mariners won their seventh game in a row, 8-3 over the Blue Jays. Neither pitched all that well, Halladay allowing ten hits and Batista giving up five walks. But Miguel left with a 3-1 lead, and the Toronto bullpen blew up for five runs.

Seattle has outscored their opponents 44-21 during the seven game stretch. The starting pitching has done a good job, despite few strikeouts and plenty of hits allowed. The bullpen, however, performed very well, allowing just a .178 BA with a .303 OBA and a .233 slugging pecentage. On top of that, the staff as a whole kept opponents to a .185 batting average with runners in scoring position.

On the offensive side, Richie Sexson doesn't have the highest OBA or Slugging Percentage in the streak, but he's been responsible for the most runs in the streak. Richie's had a bad year; if the Mariners have come this far without him, having him back to bopping is a very good sign for the team.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:11 AM | Streaks | TrackBack (0)
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