July 02, 2007
Site Cluttered
There was a complaint in the comments about this site being too cluttered. I'm open to suggestions on a redesign, and ideas are appreciated. What do you think of this for starters?
Posted by David Pinto at
04:12 PM
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Looks good to me, I like the wider reading space.
I think it's the double right-hand columns that clutter it up for me. And maybe the pinstriped background.
To me, everything over to the right of the content space is just clutter. I realize it's all probably ad revenue to you, but it looks overdone and I never read any of it.
Personally, I would prefer if you put the full text of your entries into your RSS feed, even if that means you put ads in the feed.
I agree with the above. I never, ever look at anything on the right side and it just comes off as clutter to me. In terms of blogs with a decent-to-large amount of ads, deadspin.com pretty much looks the best of anything I read (I understand the blog is your job, no complaints about the amount of ads.)
I agree that I never, ever read anything on the right anymore. I've been here, I know what I'm interested in, your opinion, your writing.
Making the right side movable doesn't add anything. Why not go back to the two sidebar setup you used to have?
Or, you could do something about all of the links you provide, (I know I'm in those links, but you offer an active link whenever I ask, so, to some degree, they are no longer that important.
I will also note that I will never do a banner ad, no matter what they'll pay. Too much distortion the look for me. But you could consolidate everything into a single width sidebar, maybe with some sort of rotating ad sidebar, where ads roll from the top to the bottom every week or something....
A with the above comments, I have no issue with the clutter or the ads, I come here for the Pinto.
I do sometimes read stuff in the right regions, though I never click the ads. But anyway, I like the new look a lot better.
Cluttered is what your observations are not and that, along with no pop-ups, is what I care about.
Musings and Crank are my Baseball choices for intelligent discourse.
The wider reading space is nice - otherwise I like the layout. Also, please for the love of God, never allow those animated ads. The movement is distracting and IMHO really drives people away.
one thing is that a LOT of those links are long dead blogs. i don't know if you care about that or not.
the "clutter" don't bother me none.
i would very much like it if you would put in some tab somewhere where we could go straight to your DER stuff.
also, it is very hard to search your blog for specific topics.
PLEASE no blinking ads.
i hate criticizing you. i love your stuff.
The content space is fine the way it is, imo. Since you often have short, to the point posts, i might look better with a narrower margin.
As for the right side, I do occasionally browse through your blogroll.
Either way is fine, I guess. Just keep up the good work :)
I could not tell the difference until I went back and forth.