Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
August 04, 2007
A-Rod at 500

Of course, Alex Rodriguez hits his 500th home run while I'm driving through Pennsylvannia. He's 3 for 4 today as the Yankees go for the two-point conversion twice and lead the Royals 16-8. Tiki Barber came in to relieve Phil Hughes after he allowed six runs in 4 2/3 innings. He could not get the last out to leave with a lead, but the Yankees took a 6-6 tie and turned it into a 16-8 lead in the top of the ninth.

Alex becomes the youngest player to even hit 500 home runs by a good ten months. If he plays through age 40, he'll need to average 33.3 homers a year to reach 800. Congratulations to Alex on a fantastic start of a career!

Update: Yankees win 16-8.

Posted by David Pinto at 05:07 PM | Records | TrackBack (0)

And Barry Bonds gets #755 on the same night. I bet he gets #756 on the same night Glavine wins his 300th.

Posted by: Syd at August 5, 2007 01:35 AM

The guy he hit it off....Kyle Davies, wasn't even in the AL when A-Rod hit 499. Little did Davies know at that time, that he'd even possibly be on the mound to serve up number 500. I'm probably the one in the world who finds that interesting.

Posted by: Devon Young at August 5, 2007 06:34 AM

and barry lamar says that of COURSE he'll be there to watch arod break his record.

because we know that it wasn't possible for arod to have ever done any roids. and everyone can see that arod is the exact same size as he was when he broke into the majors at age 20 - just like barry.

and we all know that every single male stays the exact same weight his entire life after he passes 21 unless he shoots roids

Posted by: lisa gray at August 5, 2007 06:01 PM

Grow up Lisa. That's some tired bullshit from a few years back you dragged out.

Posted by: abe at August 6, 2007 10:23 AM
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