Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
August 15, 2007
Going Batty

Jose Offerman reacted badly to being hit by a pitch last night in Bridgeport, CT (my old stomping grounds):

Former All-Star Jose Offerman was arrested Tuesday night after charging the mound and hitting the pitcher and catcher with his bat during an independent minor league game.

Bridgeport police said Offerman was arrested, but did not detail the charge. Police said he posted bond.

Offerman, playing for the Long Island Ducks in the Atlantic League, homered in the first inning. The next inning, he was hit by a pitch from Bridgeport's Matt Beech and charged the mound with his bat.

Offerman hit Beech in the hands and struck catcher John Nathans in the head.

There's a great picture with the article, showing Jose threatening Beech with the bat while Nathans tries to hold him back. And to think, Offerman used to play for the Blue Fish!

Posted by David Pinto at 08:37 AM | Baseball Jerks | TrackBack (0)

Some, er, interesting comments on the story. Apparently some "fans" think batting a pitcher and catcher around is okay.

One thing's for sure - the catcher should have kept his mask and helmet on when he tried to restrain Offerman. Those little things come in handy against an angry guy with a bat.

Posted by: Casey Abell at August 15, 2007 08:47 AM

Both Beech and Offerman are former Phillies.

Posted by: T at August 15, 2007 09:28 AM

Using a bat is outside the game. Prosecute Offerman.

Posted by: rbj at August 15, 2007 10:02 AM

What's the difference if a pitcher tries to hit you with a 90+ MPH fastball aimed right at your head? Is it just that the bat is a bigger weapon and therefore he should be prosecuted?

If you purposely throw at someone, but a pitcher will never admit to this, then all bets are off.

I had a similar experience when Mel Gibson gave me a golden shower. After that, all bets were off so I went and pooped on him. That's how we handle things in the OC.

Posted by: Paris Hilton at August 15, 2007 11:06 AM
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