Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
November 06, 2007
Far East Agents

CBSSportsline runs down the best Japanese players likely to file for free agency. Due to Japanese rules, none of them are very young.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:03 AM | Free Agents | TrackBack (0)

Kuroda is very good. Fukudome is potentially an excellent leadoff or #2 man for any team in the sport. Iwase is excellent, but not the best closer in Japan or widely regarded as such, as the CBS report indicates. That title goes to Kyuji Fujikawa of Hanshin. The two position players they mention, Arai and Wada are okay, but the report fails to tell you that Arai has a career .337 Japan. He will not fare well in the US. Wada is a nice player, but probably not much more than a spare outfielder in the Majors. The outfield is home to very good bats in the States, and there is plenty of competition from Latin America for those spots. Wada is 35 and his power is waning. He doesn't offer much else, but I suppose a small market team like Pittsburgh or KC would take a flyer on a guy like this for a couple of seasons. I wouldn't, but they might.

Posted by: Mike Plugh at November 6, 2007 11:18 AM
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