Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
November 06, 2007
Three More Names

Jose Guillen, Matt Williams and Ismael Valdez are now linked to the Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center probe.

Williams was on pace to break Roger Maris' single-season home run record for the Giants in 1994, but a labor dispute ended the season in August and he finished with 43 home runs. During his next-to-last season in Arizona, records show, Williams placed two orders with the Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center. On March 9, 2002, he ordered $5,693 of testosterone cypionate, growth hormone, clomiphene, Novarel and syringes. On May 8, Williams ordered $6,000 of testosterone cypionate, nandrolone, clomiphene, Novarel and syringes, according to the records. The drugs were sent to a Scottsdale business office Williams long has used as a mailing address. Williams' prescriptions were written by the same dentist who prescribed growth hormone for Byrd and Guillen.

It's amazing how so many of these PED allegations point back to the Bay Area.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:36 AM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)

It couldn't have anything to do with "BALCO" could it? How Conte got the sweetheart deal that he did will forever be a mystery to me.

Posted by: Nate at November 6, 2007 01:30 PM

I find it shocking that all these guys were so open about buying. They didn't seem to try hiding their tracks very much. Of course, until recently nobody really thought they'd be chased down for it... but still, didn't any of them think "well, just in case..."??? It makes me surprised some journalist didn't catch on and track this stuff down a while ago. Why didn't these guys buy through a middle-man or assumed names? It seems too weird.

It's also weird how they can get human growth hormones, through a dentist. Heh. Whoever fills those orders should be asking "what do dentist patients need HGH for? Do they want to be big mouths?" Of course it's all about the money so they won't question where the prescriptions come from, but I'm surprised there isn't some law against that kind of thing.

Posted by: Devon Young at November 6, 2007 05:17 PM

Are "we" really surprised by this? Really? Why did they "do it" in the open? Hell man, 'cause they didn't think that they were doing anything wrong and MLB and the fans and the sporting media didn't care one way or the other. After all, we are talking about human beings here. Funny that basketball and hockey have a pass on this"everyone KNOWS" that football players are loaded with PEDs.

Posted by: Kent at November 6, 2007 07:51 PM
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