Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 15, 2007
Segui Defends Roberts

David Segui says Brian Roberts name should not be in the Mitchell report:

The most egregious inaccuracy in the testimony, Segui said, is Bigbie's recollection of a lunch in New York during the 2003 season. Bigbie told Mitchell that he, Segui, Radomski and Roberts dined together and then later Bigbie sat in Radomski's car and watched Segui buy "performance enhancing substances and paraphernalia." Bigbie said Roberts was not in the car at the time.

Segui said Roberts wasn't there at all -- that instead, Segui's son, Cory, then 11, was with them at lunch. Segui added that not only didn't he buy drugs from Radomski that day, but that he didn't purchase anything illegal from Radomski after 2002.

"Brian Roberts has never met Kirk Radomski, at least not in my presence," said Segui, who has admitted to taking steroids and to providing Radomski's contact information to several players who wanted to know more about performance-enhancers. "And I don't know wherever else he would have met him."

As you read through the Mitchell report, steroid abuse seems to follow Segui and Grimsley where ever they travel, much as it did Jose Cansceo. Segui, it stikes me, is as honest as he has to be when it suits him, so I'm not sure I trust any information coming from him. His original confession during the Grimsley raid that he took HGH because a doctor prescribed it was a crock. Please take anything he says with a grain of salt.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:19 AM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)
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