Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 15, 2007
Money When Needed

The Big Lead suggests a new revenue sharing scheme in which teams only get money when they need it as a way to make sure these teams are not pocketing the money.

I don't mind if teams cut their payroll and rebuild if they are then saving up for a killing in the free agent market in a few years. The Big Lead's plan would seem to prevent this. Maybe what's needed is a hybrid. Baseball shares enough with these low revenue teams to make up for a shortfall in revenue, and the rest gets banked until they start spending more on payroll. That way, there's a surplus of funds when a team really needs it.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:47 AM | Management | TrackBack (0)

Isn't the answer to ditch revenue-sharing based on actual revenue and go to a system based on market size? Miami is a huge market with plenty of people who love baseball. The Marlins should go out there, build a fanbase, and quit crying poverty. The Royals, on the other hand, should expect a little help form MLB.

Posted by: amos at December 15, 2007 12:19 PM

Whether Miami is a better "baseball town" than KC is debatable, depending on the definition. KC has a great fan base. It's just a mis-managed small market team. The Miami fan base? Eeh. Besides, who says MLB is after the "hard core" baseball fan anyway? They already have that market locked up. What they want is the casual, corporate types. How else can you explain suites, premium games, walled off VIP areas behind home plate, etc.?

Posted by: glenn at December 15, 2007 12:56 PM

I agree with Glenn. Florida has won 2 WS titles and had horrible attendance records during that period. It's clear Florida just doesn't care about the Marlins.

KC, on the other hand, would be able to renew its fanbase with a playoff appearance, nevermind a World Series Championship.

The thing is... KC's trying to become respectable again through acquisitions, while the Marlins are content with trading away a possible future Hall of Famer (Cabrera).

Posted by: Jesse R at December 16, 2007 06:33 AM
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