Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 17, 2007
To Bedard, or Not to Bedard

Lookout Landing weighs the pros and cons of trading for Erik Bedard.

Look, in no way do I want to just write off both 2008 and 2009 in anticipation of making a run three years from now. This isn't a bad team, and conceding defeat this early on the heels of the first interesting summer in ages isn't going to make people happy. With that said, there are ways to make this team better, ways to make it more competitive, that don't involve sacrificing so much of our promising future. Trade for one of the Devil Rays. Pay someone to take Sexson and bring in a left fielder. Sign Colon, Clement, or some other reclamation project and hope they stay healthy long enough for Morrow to make some major strides in AAA. And so on and so forth. None of these things is nearly as sexy as bringing in a clear #1, but as a whole they're just about as effective, and none of them involves giving away many things we may need down the road. That's the key. What Bill Bavasi should be doing right now is figuring out a way to make this team better while simultaneously protecting much of the talent that could help us later on, when our chances will be better.

Bedard is not the final piece of the puzzle, although I wonder if LL would feel differently if the Mariners managed to sign him long term?

Posted by David Pinto at 08:34 AM | Trades | TrackBack (0)

What Bill Bavasi should be doing right now is figuring out a way to make this team better while simultaneously protecting much of the talent that could help us later on

Isn't that what every GM should be doing? The addition of a solid starter like Bedard (or perhaps even Colon) does not make a contender of the Mariners.

Posted by: Wells at December 17, 2007 09:56 AM

I don't think it's what the GM is doing in Detroit, or even in Oakland. It's what every GM should be doing if they're on a team that has a reasonable chance to contend, and talent coming along in their farm system. I think that LL is pointing out that he thinks the Mariners are one of those teams. Certainly, a large part of a GM's job is the balance of making the team better and protecting the developing talent is.

Posted by: Barron at December 17, 2007 12:04 PM

What does the author mean when he suggests that the team should "Trade for one of the Devil Rays"? Is he stating that the RAYS president and GM make foolish trades and frequent mistakes? Possibly he is talking about the underrated Johnny Gomes, but still, why not specify?

Posted by: Brandon Heikoop at December 17, 2007 01:00 PM

LL doesn't need to specify because his writing wasn't meant for you or the baseballmusings crowd, it was for the mariner blogsphere and they know what he means...

The devil rays have a lot of good young pitchers who for a number of reasons, most notably the D-rays abysmal defense aren't commonly recognized for the talents that LL believes them to be. Thus demand is low, thus the price may be low. Or at least so goes the thought.

Posted by: jared at December 17, 2007 01:47 PM

Ah, so there is an actual reason the writers and readers over at LGT make fun of that blog...

Shouldn't the author have some backing to his 'thought'? Maybe some recent history where the Rays traded all but none of their highly regarded pitching prospects? If the Ms are looking for pitching, they should go to another win-now team like the Dodgers who try out a youngster for a handful of months, if he doesn't pan out, hes free for the taking - I'm thinking HC Kuo.

Posted by: Brandon Heikoop at December 17, 2007 03:42 PM

No, LGT makes fun of me for a different reason.

The Mariners and Rays have spoken at length about Edwin Jackson, an expendable pitcher with whom Bavasi is personally familiar. The price is low. That's the kind of trade I'd want to happen (one for either Jackson or Howell). I'm not imploring them to go try to get Shields or anything.

Posted by: Jeff Sullivan at December 17, 2007 04:20 PM

I have to say, every time I have seen Jackson pitch, I have gotten that warm feeling in my body that I got from Jhonny Peralta back when he won the batting title in Buffalo. Then that feeling turns to fear as I worry someone is going to get a 96mph fastball in the back of the head.

He has the potential to be an excellent pitcher, and presumably not obtainable. The Rays have been excellent in not lowering their trade demands, even with players whom are expected to have low trade value.

Posted by: Brandon Heikoop at December 17, 2007 04:33 PM

So Jeff, how long has Look Out Landing been the mockery of the London Gospel Temple ( Is there something you've been holding back from the Mariners Blogisphere?

Posted by: DJ at December 17, 2007 04:33 PM

He's obtainable. So is Howell. If the Mariners offered Wlad Balentien, they could have either one, if not both. They Rays are awesome and I love their new front office, but they're not going to hold onto every single young arm in the system. If the Mariners were dead set on dealing with them, they could make it work without getting ripped off.

And the whole LGT thing goes back to the April series that got snowed out. We're on fine terms, but it's funny to go back and read everything that was said that weekend.

Posted by: Jeff Sullivan at December 17, 2007 04:40 PM

I believe 'issue' was also revisited during the make-up games along with weekly updates of insane comments made by the readers at LOL.

As for Balentien, I think there is a reason he is just a piece of every rumor that is thrown around yet is still with the Ms. That said, I can't see the Rays, who just purged their lineup of two very promising, and more so then Balentien.

Also, I agree that they could make it work, I just see better avenues. The Rays are still searching for an identity and I don't see them moving a guy like Jackson unless they fill another need - which strangely, it does not appear the team has any (did I just say that). But really, where could the Rays use an upgrade? Their OF is set with Upton, Crawford and hopefully Baldelli, as well as Floyd and Gomes. Their IF is at a point without much available upgrades with Longoria and Pena at the corners, Bartlett has short locked up with Iwamura at second. Brignac isn't far from making the club, and Zobrist is capable enough to relieve Bartlett or Iwamura.
So aside from sending the M's top catching prospect (his name leaves me right now), its tough to imagine the two teams matching up anywhere, but crazier things have happened.

Posted by: Brandon Heikoop at December 17, 2007 05:24 PM

I think you're overstating the LGT/LL thing. We've actually become quite friendly after they took over the blog for that weird home/road makeup game.

Long-term, the Rays could use a legit RF, which is where Wlad comes into play; he'd be ready by the time Floyd isn't. That'd be the rationale behind the trade. If you wanted to go bigger, I'd entertain a deal centered around Clement and Sonnanstine.

The Rays are set for a while, but they do have a few holes that could use an upgrade. It's not an impossible fit.

Posted by: Jeff Sullivan at December 17, 2007 05:53 PM
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