Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 19, 2007
Hall of Fame Vote

Jose de Jesus Ortiz falls for the, "What about the children?" argument. He's looking for fan input on whether he should vote for players implicated in steroid use for the Hall of Fame.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:09 AM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)

So any of these guys even for a second reflect about the "children" and...let's say...alcohol? The children? There are so many f-ing problems in the country and this world that directly affect "the children" and PED use by professional athletes (cycling, football, soccer, baseball, track and field, hockey, basketball, golf, rugby, etc.) just doesn't cut it with me as one of the "biggies."

Posted by: Kent at December 19, 2007 09:49 AM

yeah, he's really gotten his feelings hurt over this whole steroids thing. He got all pissy about Lance Berkman's comments the other day as well (see link)

It's sad that in a city the size of Houston the columnists would have such a lack of credibility when it comes to reporting on the local teams.

Posted by: saul at December 19, 2007 11:51 AM

Yeah, screw the kids! They suck

Posted by: Robb at December 19, 2007 01:12 PM

I wish my parents had said, "what about our children?", during my upbringing. They didn't so I went down a path of sex, drugs, and a lot of partying. I bet all kids wish they had it as good as me.

I've said this before, all those nice kids we see on the street or the children that belong to our friends or the one's in our own family, at one point in their adult life they turn into assholes and they are no longer cute kids.

In such nice places like the middle east they use the kids to blow a bunch of adults up in cafes, malls, night clubs, etc.

I hear Chris Russo constantly yelling about the kids, the guy lives in a nice area in CT, I never hear him yelling about the poor kids that grow up on the Grand Concourse where there's a high rate of HIV and drug use. It's only about the kids when it's convenient, that's what I'm starting to see....and I'm a pretty dumb chick.

I bet Nicole Richie's kids will f- up even more than their mom, but I don't see anyone yelling about poor Nicole's kids, or Britney's kids, we actually like to laugh at their circumstances. I think this world is full of a ton of hypocrites.

Have a Merry F'ing Christmas, this world is going down because we don't think about the kids anymore....

Posted by: Paris Hilton at December 19, 2007 01:54 PM

the problem with the steroid crowd's "helen lovejoy think of the children attitude is that it is wrong and leads to bad public policy on drugs.

The profile of the average user is not a high school athlete or minority professional athlete.. it makes for a great Congressional hearing, but...

The majority of respondents did not initiate AAS use during adolescence and their NMAAS use was not motivated by athletics. The typical user was a Caucasian, highly-educated, gainfully employed professional approximately 30 years of age, who was earning an above-average income, was not active in organized sports, and whose use was motivated by increases in skeletal muscle mass, strength, and physical attractiveness. These findings question commonly held views of the typical NMAAS user and the associated underlying motivations.

The focus on "cheating" athletes and at risk youth has led to ineffective policy as it relates to the predominant group of NMAAS users. Effective policy, prevention or intervention should address the target population(s) and their reasons for use while utilizing their desire for responsible use and education.


When they start checking high school anf college kids for adderall (2% have scrips but up to 25% use - !!!!!!!!!!), then Congress will be thinking about the children.

Posted by: rmt at December 19, 2007 05:41 PM
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