Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 19, 2007
Ghost Writers in the Sky

The ghost writer of Jose Canseco's book writes the New York Times:

To take but one example, Roger Clemens has been added to the ranks of those linked to steroid use -- despite his most recent denial Tuesday. This is hardly a surprise to those of us who have worked the steroid beat over the years.

In fact, as the ghostwriter for Jose Canseco's tell-all memoir "Juiced," I can now reveal that serious thought was given to including Canseco's recollections of golf course conversations with Clemens about steroids. At the time, we decided to focus on players Canseco injected -- since those revelations would carry the maximum impact.

I assume we'll see those conversations in the next book.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:17 AM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)

I don't understand the point of Kettman's anecdote about McGwire and MET-Rx. MET-Rx, as I understand it, is an over-the-counter protein powder; not a steroid, and no prescription required. If I didn't know better, from Kettman's portrayal I would have thought that there was something immoral or illegal about McGwire recommending it to Kettman.

Posted by: joe arthur at December 19, 2007 06:44 PM

I think at the time, many of these supplements contained PEDs. There was a time in the early 1990s when these became unregulated, which is one reason players used tainted supplements as an excuse for testing positive.

Posted by: David Pinto at December 19, 2007 07:06 PM

Agree, looks like the ghostwriter thought Met-Rx was something it's not.

David- even if Met-Rx had stuff in it that wasn't on the label, should anyone be held accountable for using it? I'd say no. I wrestled my way through college and every guy on my team had a locker full of that stuff (including myself). IIRC the team trainer gave it to us. No one ever failed a drug test and it wasn't considered unethical by anyone, no more so than cutting weight or running extra laps at the gym or lifting after practice.

Posted by: SleepyCA at December 19, 2007 07:25 PM
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