Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 20, 2007
Schilling's Thoughts

Curt Schilling writes up his thoughts on the cheaters in baseball. Bonds, Clemens and Canseco come out poorly:

Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds. I know both of these men. Roger had a profound effect on my career from a very early point. His 'undressing' of me and lecture were a major turning point. I've always respected his career accomplishments and regarded him as the greatest pitcher to ever play the game. Now I, like every other Yankee, Clemens fan am faced with a dilemma. The two men that fingered multiple players, from my understanding, both testified with immunity, but only if they told the truth. So these guys had every reason in the world to NOT lie. That doesn't mean they didn't, but there is an immense amount of incentive for them to NOT lie when they gave their depositions because lying would have seen them open to legal actions beyond what they are already facing. So the question to me then becomes this. It's no mystery that Roger and Andy are as close as any two teammates I know of. Andy makes no bones about Rogers influence in his career. Their personal trainer, the trainer Roger took to Toronto, then to NY, has admitted to administering PED's to both men. Andy has admitted he did, and that it was a mistake and he never did it again. Roger has denied every allegation brought to the table. So as a fan my thought is that Roger will find a way in short order to organize a legal team to guarantee a retraction of the allegations made, a public apology is made, and his name is completely cleared. If he doesn't do that then there aren't many options as a fan for me other than to believe his career 192 wins and 3 Cy Youngs he won prior to 1997 were the end. From that point on the numbers were attained through using PED's. Just like I stated about Jose, if that is the case with Roger, the 4 Cy Youngs should go to the rightful winners and the numbers should go away if he cannot refute the accusations.

I don't know how you make numbers go away. As for revoking awards, there's nothing to stop the baseball writers from doing just that, and for keeping cheaters out of the Hall of Fame. Some people argued that the Mitchell report would help Barry Bonds, since it would show he wasn't the only PED user out there. But it also is hurting Mark McGwire, as it increases the animosity toward people who took PEDs.

Posted by David Pinto at 07:40 AM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)

Wasn't Schilling the one who made claims that steroid taking was prevalent but then when he went before Congress he changed his tune?

Does that performance mean he should have some awards taken away?

Posted by: Basura at December 20, 2007 09:21 AM

I just wish someone would take his blog away.

I kid, I kid.

Posted by: Jersey at December 20, 2007 10:16 AM

Boy, Schill likes to hear himself talk. Or type. That post was longer than the actual Mitchell report.

If Curt has his way, Mike Greenwell will be a happy man. At least until his son's next Little League game.

Posted by: Mr. Furious at December 20, 2007 10:40 AM

I am very skeptical of that man.

Posted by: tony at December 20, 2007 10:51 AM

Of course Schilling wants Roger's CYAs revoked - HE CAME IN SECOND IN THE VOTING TO ROGER IN 2001!!!

Posted by: JC at December 20, 2007 11:35 AM

No he didn't. I'm an idiot. Curt was in the NL then.

I'm as dumb as him.

Posted by: JC at December 20, 2007 11:37 AM

First Curt - it is about illegal or banned PED's - not just PED's.

Let us play the speculation game with Curt - just for amusementy's sake.

Schilling was a .500 pitcher until he was 30.
He won 20 games three times after he was 30 - Clemens has already won won 20 three times in his 20's before winning 20 games 3 times in his 30's.

Hmm...Schilling's career had a huge uptick late in his career - perhaps he should prove that he was clean?

Why did the Red Sox fire the team doctor who did his 2004 miracle surgery only 2 months after the season - did he only give him marcaine - prove that he didn't also administer other drugs (adrenaline is commonly added to marcaine injections)...unfair, but it is the same game you are playing,

As for the surgery - is risking your health at all costs to play sports a proper lesson to teach kids? There are kids and parents getting voluntary Tommy John surgery now, hoping it will add to their fastball. Think of the children!!!

As for your candidate for President, John McCain - did you know that his wife became addicted to painkillers after an accident and forged scrips and stole from a not for profit to get them illegally?

McCain's attorney (John Dowd!) tried to get the whisteblower fired when he called the DEA - do you think whisteblowers on drug cases should be threatened?

Just some thoughts to add to the 38Bitches site...utter crap.

If Clemens is guilty, let him serve time - before then - great job of tossing people under the bus.

Posted by: rmt at December 20, 2007 12:59 PM

"But it also is hurting Mark McGwire, as it increases the animosity toward people who took PEDs."

We STILL don't know that McGwire took PED's.

Posted by: SleepyCA at December 20, 2007 06:47 PM

McGwire did take PED's - at least we know he took andro. But andro was legal at the time and not banned by MLB.

Sportwriters have been lazy on this point - the correct term shoud be ILLEGAL OR BANNED PED'S!

Posted by: rmt at December 20, 2007 08:32 PM

I hope they revoke some awards and ban some guys. I mean, steroid in my opinion, is far worse than what Pete Rose did. Rose didn't cheat to win.

Posted by: Devon Young at December 20, 2007 08:56 PM
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