Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 22, 2007
Clemens and Credibility

Peter Schmuck thinks the Jason Grimsley affidavit makes Clemens Mitchell report denial more credible:

When the Los Angeles Times last year quoted two unnamed sources claiming that Roger Clemens, Andy Pettitte, Miguel Tejada and Brian Roberts - among others - were among the blacked-out names on the affidavit, and then they turned out not to be, it opened a new avenue for suspected users of anabolic steroids and human growth hormone to maintain what the politicians like to call "plausible deniability."

That should be self-evident, but anyone who needs further proof need only look up to the supposed moral high ground and see the lawyer for Clemens talking down to the media, the government and George Mitchell about the dangers of rushing to judgment with the reputations of so many people hanging in the balance.

The only credibility changed here is the credibility of the Los Angeles Times, which took a huge hit. I assume Mitchell knew Clemens wasn't in the Grimsley affidavit. Clemens has a good case against the Los Angeles Times. Whether he used or not, the Times story was fiction. The Mitchell report has a more credible witness at the moment.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:54 AM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)

They are all self centered maniacal pieces of crap arrogant brainless little boys with millionaire money and no credilbility. Let them ALL use steroids. It's good for the game. I want a homerun from someone every 3 at bats. I want football scores! Texas 54 Cleveland 43....I want to be the first to see a 243 pound steroid-ripped Brian Roberts hit a ball out of Camden Yards so far away that it is caught by the Washington Nationals pitching coach standing on the mound in Washington. How about trying to score from second and sliding into Pudge Rodriguez who is stroided at 267 pounds and 6' 4"? Ouch! Sports in America SUCKS and WE have let it get out of control. Look at this clown Beckham. What's with that? That 's the outer fringe, its friggin soccer and look at the cash they threw at this idiot. Why? Because he knows Sting and Rod Stewart? Screw them all, they're getting NO money from me, ever. Asterisk's all around! Roger Maris reigns supreme!

Posted by: Glenn at December 22, 2007 10:09 AM

If the LA Times retraction is accurate he has no case against them. Two previously credible sources, and once debunked they retracted. That's not a winning hand in a liable suit. Besides he'll never bring an action, he will not be sworn and answer questions. Schmuck makes no sense. Petite was cleared re Grimsley, and he has confirmed McNamee's statements in Mitchell. Clemen's lawyer's trash talk is evidence of innocence? Please, back to bedtime stories.

Posted by: abe at December 22, 2007 10:33 AM

Glen - check your meds. I think you need to up your dosage.

Posted by: Wells at December 22, 2007 07:55 PM

Wells - you can't say things which are untrue - unless you work for the LA Times or WNBC in New York.

Posted by: rmt at December 22, 2007 08:21 PM
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