Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 22, 2007
Role Models

I'm glad George Vecsey isn't buying the "What about the children?" argument.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:57 PM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)

Tainted supplements - 25% of patrons are violating the law.


Let's hear it for Congress and the 1994 DSHEA, which let untested products onto the market which could only be removed when they killed people, especially the children!!!


Proper federal drug policy has been destroyed by the Bonds/MLBcoverage. Thanks to polling and a State of the Union address, we focus on athletes due to sob stories and ignore the facts. If we truly cared about adolescent health, we would hold hearings on adderall, prescribed to 2% of teeens and used by 25% - millions of cheaters on SAT's and tests destroying the credibiity of numbers that really matter. And pulbic drug usage of these study enhancers is 4x as many whites as blacks - but we spend 4 years going after Barry Bonds, not the sons and duaghters of white voters openly using Schedule II drugs that are deemed more dangerous than steroids (Schedule III) by the FDA.

So we chase athletes - but the profile of the average user is Caucasian.

The majority of respondents did not initiate AAS use during adolescence and their NMAAS use was not motivated by athletics. The typical user was a Caucasian, highly-educated, gainfully employed professional approximately 30 years of age, who was earning an above-average income, was not active in organized sports, and whose use was motivated by increases in skeletal muscle mass, strength, and physical attractiveness. These findings question commonly held views of the typical NMAAS user and the associated underlying motivations.

The focus on "cheating" athletes and at risk youth has led to ineffective policy as it relates to the predominant group of NMAAS users. Effective policy, prevention or intervention should address the target population(s) and their reasons for use while utilizing their desire for responsible use and education.

Posted by: rmt at December 23, 2007 08:40 AM

adderall doesn't build muscles so it doesn't matter

rich white guys shooting roids to get swole doesn't matter

an uppity Black athlete giving the finger to the media and breaking the Sacred Home Run Record - NOW you're talkin. put the SOB in prison forever after spending untold millions to chase him down for years

Posted by: lisa gray at December 26, 2007 10:55 AM
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