Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 26, 2007
Baseball Musings Radio Show

If you missed tonight's show, you can hear the recorded version here. It's also available on demand at TPSRadio.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:03 PM | Podcasts | TrackBack (0)


Enjoyed the show. Thanks for the insight on Matt Clement. You would think Seattle might look to take a chance on him.

As to the Santana/Yankees proposed deal... The Yanks have thus far refused to include Ian Kennedy. Is he THAT good? Huges & Joba get most all the press. And if they move Milky, do you see Damon and his weak arm and diminished range as the answer in CF? Or will the Yanks look t trade for a CF'er and leave Damon in LF where he did well defensively?

Look forward to your reply.


Posted by: Snuffy at December 27, 2007 04:33 AM

It's not that Kennedy is that good, it's that they're not willing to move two top prospects. The Yankees will trade one of them, but not two. Yes, Damon will play center. According to PMR, Damon had better range in center than Melky in 2007. It's not the best defensive outfield, but it works just fine with Damon in center.

Posted by: David Pinto at December 27, 2007 08:22 AM
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