Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 27, 2007
Serving the Customers

Cardinals Diaspora takes Cardinals management to task for not building a decent team around Albert Pujols. I actually think this was a long term problem. For many years, the Cardinals surrounded their stars with okay talent, older players with mixed records. As some of those players aged and declined, they didn't improve the surrounding talent to compensate. On top of that, the mixed records tended to work out better than expected for St. Louis, but that bit of good luck ran out as well.

What are my options? Let DeWitt and co. earn interest so they can 'spend' the money in the right places or have them blow some cash on a big gamble like Silva or Tejada? Blow the dough. What's it matter to me? We've already spent the cash- they're the ones not. Who knows what will pan out or what won't 2-3 years from now? Nobody does. So to think that this team will have a better chance at a player or players 36 months from now is not only absurd- it's insulting- just like trying to force-feed me a pu pu platter of LaRue/Izturis/Kennedy/Ludwick up the middle on a team that features the best player in the world.

They need to replace Edmonds-Rolen-Carpenter with players of similar abilities to augment the production the team gets from Pujols, and the Cardinals just haven't done that.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:50 AM | Management | TrackBack (0)

They're 1 year removed from a world championship. Cardinals fans should shut their traps.

Posted by: mr.bmc at December 27, 2007 10:05 AM

Any solution that involves throwing money at Carlos Silva doesn't seem like a good one, does it?

Posted by: Tom at December 27, 2007 01:28 PM

Oh, boo hoo, they won a World Series, but they did it with a team that wasn't all that great.

Posted by: Adam Villani at December 28, 2007 05:25 AM
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