Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 27, 2007
Passing on Johan

Peter Abraham gives his reasons why the Yankees should pass on Johan Santana:

Spend the money on draft picks, Dominican shortstops and Taiwanese pitchers. Go find kids in Korea, Australia, Venezuela and everywhere else. Hire more scouts and go see every junior college prospect in Texas. Go find the next Santana, don't trade for the old one.

The Yankees do have time on their side. The Twins, of course, run the risk that Hughes turns out to be so good next season that there's no reason for the Yankees to trade him. They also run the risk that Santana and a healthy Liriano have Minnesota in the playoff race come late July. In that case, it would be very difficult to trade away Johan.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:19 AM | Trades | TrackBack (0)

Finally someone talking sense. Brain,Young Boss and Others are you reading and listening. We need
position players even if we have to pay more in the draft. We can't waste draft picks like we did in the third round last year for a third basemen who projects as average. We need to track down the best of Soth America,Austraila,Korea,Japan and the world and go get them.
We should have 3 good relief canditates coming back from injury and atleast 4 more top starter's after 2008. Now we need to add to our young position player's Jackson,Gardnier,etc.

Posted by: Steimy1 at December 27, 2007 12:30 PM

Finally someone talking sense. Brain,Young Boss and Others are you reading and listening. We need
position players even if we have to pay more in the draft. We can't waste draft picks like we did in the third round last year for a third basemen who projects as average. We need to track down the best of Soth America,Austraila,Korea,Japan and the world and go get them.
We should have 3 good relief canditates coming back from injury and atleast 4 more top starter's after 2008. Now we need to add to our young position player's Jackson,Gardnier,etc.

Posted by: Steimy1 at December 27, 2007 12:31 PM

That's sort of right but not entirely the proper course for the Yankees. Their one great advantage over every other team is that they have more money then any other team (and the will to spend it). So they should spend as much money as possible in the draft -- especially as that might make elite talents only want to be drafted by the Yankees. However, there's only one "Johan Santana" at the moment so why wouldn't you go and sign him? If Hughes, Kennedy or whoever else you trade for him turn out to be great, who cares? You just go and resign them when they become free agents. Instead of having just minor league affiliates, the Yankees could use the rest of the majors as their "minor" leagues. Of course, this would probably ruin baseball, so it's a good thing that Cashman isn't smart enough to figure this out.

Posted by: Tom at December 27, 2007 01:26 PM

Man, I didn't realize Johan's were so easy to find!!! It sounds like we should have three or four of him on the staff according to this take..

Posted by: Kloob at December 27, 2007 03:23 PM

Amen to that. Yankees need to take advantage of all that cash on hand. By the way Check out for fantasy sports news...

Posted by: Jonathan at December 27, 2007 05:41 PM

This is sense! Cashman is printing this out and showing it to Hank. They can have him next year without giving up depth.

The speculation about Santana and what he can do is laughable. Shouldn't the Astros be the most upset. He was Rule Fiver out of their system.

I think the Yanks can wait. With Joe G. there, it's now a bit different. They need to use their own resources.

Posted by: ryan at December 27, 2007 06:57 PM

I agree - the NYY need to sign more old guys to huge contracts

Posted by: Bandit at December 28, 2007 07:46 AM

As I recall the MFYs international strategy has included guys named Irabu and Contreras who didn't exactly shine in pinstripes. That's no diss to Matsui & Wang, both of whom were smart moves --believe me when I say I'd love to see Godzilla in an SF Giants uniform next season... But how many overpriced retreads has Cashman the "Brain" pounded through the Bronx in recent years only to see Joe Torre run out of town on a rail? I'm not sure Kim Hank-Il understands much international scouting either given his propensity for handing out pension plans to aging former all-stars.

Posted by: NYSoxfan at December 30, 2007 04:41 PM
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