Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 27, 2007
Top Ten List

I just love the title of this post.

Posted by David Pinto at 12:57 PM | Team Evaluation | TrackBack (0)

Nice, but Basak never played first base.

Posted by: Mike S. at December 27, 2007 02:24 PM

Andy Phillips wasn't a bad fill in. He got hurt late in the year, but hit close to 300 and played ok there.

At least I noticed that. Better than Dougie.

Posted by: shatner at December 27, 2007 06:50 PM

What were they doing playing Cairo at first base? Fortunately the powers that be saved Torre from himself by releasing Miguel in August otherwise he would played 30 games at first for the Yanks.

Posted by: geb4000 at December 27, 2007 08:06 PM
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