Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 27, 2007
Death of a Prospect

Taylor Bruce tells the story of Dernell Stenson's death. I hadn't realized that Stenson attempted to fight back. He went for the gun of one of the assailants when Stenson had the opportunity, but failed to reach the weapon first.

One shot was fired, then another two in rapid sequence. Stenson pushed open his door and attempted to dive from the speeding Rodeo, but his right leg got tangled in the seatbelt.

Griffith floored the accelerator, firing more shots as he dragged Stenson, facedown, a football-field's length along the asphalt.

Griffith then slammed on the brakes and, with Rio, unhinged Stenson's leg from the belt. They jumped back into the SUV and sped away, leaving Stenson on the street.

The whole article is well worth the read.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:26 PM | Crime | TrackBack (0)
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