Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 28, 2007
Salary Structure

Joe Christensen examines the likely salary total for the Twins in 2008. His 24 man roster comes in at $62 million with Santana, a drop of $12 million dollars. It seems the Twins could use that $12 million to raise Johan's salary to $25 million per year for five years and keep him in Minnesota for the opening of the new stadium.

Posted by David Pinto at 04:21 PM | Management | TrackBack (0)

But before you say go and spend the money on johan, you should also think about the rising costs of Mauer, Morneau, Cuddyer, and Liriano (if he comes back to his 2006 shape), figuring those costs in, they can't really spend that $12 million on santana

Posted by: Eric Wood at December 29, 2007 12:11 AM

Just get a bigger crowbar to pry open Carl Pohlad's wallet.

Posted by: rbj at December 29, 2007 09:13 AM
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