Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 28, 2007
Leyritz Kills

Jim Leyritz is accused of running a red light and killing the driver of another car:

Fort Lauderdale authorities got a call at 3:20 a.m. that a crash had occurred in the city's entertainment district, Collins said.

She said Leyritz was driving a 2006 Ford Expedition when he collided at an intersection with a 30-year-old woman driving a 2000 Mitsubishi. The woman was ejected from the car. She was critically injured and transported to the Broward General Medical Center, where she died, Collins said. Her identity was not immediately released.

Witnesses told police Leyritz, who lives in Plantation, Fla., had a red light.

Police believe alcohol was involved in the crash, though investigators are waiting for the results of blood alcohol tests, Collins said.

My thoughts go out to the victim's family. No matter the results of the blood alcohol test, Leyritz just ruined his life.

Posted by David Pinto at 04:30 PM | Crime | TrackBack (0)

Awful story and it highlights the use and abuse of alcohol for the true problem that it is. I hope everyone here has a safe and happy holiday season. I'm sorry to hear about this kind of story as a number of families have clearly been crushed by Leyritz's decision.

Posted by: Kent at December 28, 2007 05:47 PM

I believe that for what ever was the course. of the young ladies early departure off this world, it's to
early to determine. but if mr.Leyritz is in the true back end of this problem. than florida's state penn
should make room for a former ball player.

Posted by: orlando melendez at December 28, 2007 09:35 PM

Awful story... but man, the headline and the last sentence sure are harsh.

Posted by: dave at December 28, 2007 09:52 PM

Leyritz was most likely out celebrating his 44th birthday.

It's a reminder that on New Year's Eve, please celebrate responsibly.

Posted by: Mike S. at December 28, 2007 11:31 PM

It's also a reminder - and this is in no way meant to soft-pedal Leyritz's culpability - that wearing seat belts saves lives, and not wearing them costs lives. "The woman was ejected from the car. She was critically injured...." Usually in these cases being "ejected" means people were not strapped in, and if they had been, their injuries would have been much less severe. So many tragedies are unnecessary.

Posted by: Steve H at December 29, 2007 10:19 AM
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