Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 30, 2007
Winter Worries

My Baseball Bias asks a question:

Did you know that Robbie Cano was only supposed to play six games with his DR team? I guess that was the deal he made with Cashman before he split for the winter, but he proceeded to play in another four games. Cash said he won't be reprimanded, but the question needs to be asked - Why didn't the organization have someone down in the DR keeping an eye on just such a thing?

Maybe because Robinson Cano is an adult and should be expected to keep his word.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:03 AM | Players | TrackBack (0)

Another point is either let him play or don't. Sending him for six games is a big "by bother." If the worry is he could get hurt then that is just as likely in game 2 as in game 9. The flip side to that question is why is he going? If it is to keep his batting eye sharp or the thought that the more pitches a batter sees in game situation the better his pitch selection will be, then the more at bats he gets the better.

From a management viewpoint, if you give an employee an order you have to be prepared to take action if your guidance is ignored. If not, more employees will ignore your orders.

Posted by: largebill at December 30, 2007 01:34 PM

He is not really an adult. He's a ballplayer. I've never really read anything that would indicate that many of the latter are actually the former.

Posted by: Barron at December 30, 2007 03:33 PM

maybe Cashman should be more concerned about his starting rotation than how many games Robinson Cano plays in winter ball for crissakes. Abreu is playing in Venezuela this winter -- is anybody worried he blows out a rotator cuff down there? I'm sure as hell not. I wish Big Papi were healthy enough to play winter ball. He stayed plenty sharp doing that earlier in his career though I'm sure the geniuses in the Minnesota Twins organization didn't like it. I've watched a few of the D.R. games on ESPN Deportes and there is some decent baseball being played...

Posted by: NYSoxfan at December 30, 2007 04:28 PM

HAHAHAH good point Barron ;) espically considering that Cano apparently lives with his mom (And Melky Cabrera) in Ny during the season ;)

Then again, Derek Jeter puts this theory to the test... in a very strange way

Posted by: RollingWave at December 31, 2007 05:10 AM
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