Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 31, 2007
More Patience

Squawking Baseball likes the Pirates do-nothing approach so far. The author wants Pittsburgh to spend in the draft:

New CEO Frank Coonelly spent the last few years as MLB's watchdog for draft slot bonuses, which could spell trouble. But I can't imagine this administration not realizing that this was perhaps the key area in which Kevin McClatchy and Dave Littlefield failed. Yes, there were some terrible trades and free agent signings along the way. But the Pirates simply haven't developed quality players over the last fifteen years, despite having high draft choices year in and year out. The best way to do so is to go above slot, and the old administration consistently refused. With all the fuss about Daniel Moskos this past June, I can't imagine that Coonelly and Huntington would fall into this same trap.

I hope the Pirates take this advice. Seeing the enforcer flout the rules may get everyone else to stop listening to the commissioner's office on this issue.

Correction: Changed flaunt to flout, and learned some grammar.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:06 AM | Management | TrackBack (0)

I don't expect Coonelly to break ranks and I can think of no reason Pittsburgh would expect him to when he was hired. You don't hire a cello player and then ask him to play the viola.

Other than Alderson who had a track record before moving to the Commissioner's office I can't think of anyone coming out of there and turning out not to be a Bud Man.

Posted by: Basura at December 31, 2007 10:48 AM

Sorry to nitpick:
That's "flout" not "flaunt."

(It's the only grammar I know.)

Posted by: soccer dad at December 31, 2007 10:51 AM
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