Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 02, 2008
Park Place

The rate to park at Yankee Stadium is going up over the next few years. It's still a bargain compared to the lots around Fenway. I've paid as much as fifty dollars in the Back Bay, and now park in the suburbs and take the train in.

Posted by David Pinto at 07:53 AM | Stadiums | TrackBack (0)

Only a fool drives to Fenway

Posted by: Bandit at January 2, 2008 08:11 AM

Tip for Fenway: Take the Mass Pike to Exit 22 and park at the underground parking at the Pru. Parking is only $15-$20 if you have a game stub. Sucks for rainouts (they take the stub), but a good deal the rest of the time. It's a 10 minute walk from the Pru if you're quick, and it's a fairly scenic walk.

Posted by: J at January 2, 2008 12:24 PM

Better idea - park at Brookline HS off rte 9 - it's free and you can hop on the D line and be there in 15 min

Posted by: Bandit at January 2, 2008 02:30 PM
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