Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 02, 2008

Why do teams bother acquiring players like this? Chris Roberson's seasonal in 2008 will be 28, and his career minor league numbers are less than impressive. The Orioles should have a handful of players like this in their system already.

Posted by David Pinto at 02:59 PM | Transactions | TrackBack (0)

How does he even manage to land a job in the minors?!? When I saw that OPS and later realized we are talking about an outfielder with mediocre base stealing ability (72% success rate in the minors) to begin with...I really should have taken up and concentrated on playing baseball growing up!

Posted by: Brandon Heikoop at January 2, 2008 03:21 PM

Those certainly are not bad numbers for a AAA player. He is probably just roster filler for BAL, but he's also plenty serviceable. Like most AAA guys, put him on a good team as the 5th OF, and by the end of the year, fans will love his "grit" and "scrappy" qualities.

Posted by: Al at January 2, 2008 05:37 PM

how is he better than the guy they dropped?

Posted by: Andrew at January 2, 2008 05:45 PM

This is the Orioles, nothing they do ever makes sense. Take it from a die-hard fan of them who has watched them lose the last 10 years.

As for why do they sign players like Roberson, I mean the front office has to act like there doing something. Now, is making moves for the heck of it make us a better team? No chance. Fiorentino who was DFA was better than Roberson and much younger too at 24 compared to 28. Why not take our chances with him? I wish I could tell you why for my sake?

I mean we thought enough of him, when we brought him up from A Frederick, at age 22, now were saying he's somehow not more valuable than Roberson despite being 4 years younger is somehow hard to swallow?

Now let me clear, do I believe Fiorentino will be anything more than a fourth-fifth outfielder? No, but he has way more upside than Roberson.

Posted by: John Brooks at January 3, 2008 03:12 AM

They need guys willing to sit the bench in AAA

Posted by: Bandit at January 3, 2008 09:45 AM

So much for MacPhail being smarter than previous management. Meet the new boss....

Posted by: wph at January 3, 2008 04:45 PM
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