Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 03, 2008
Naming Rights

Matt Cerrone comes up with a novel way for the Mets to pay for Johan Santana:

in the report, egan writes that the Mets will get $800 million from Citigroup...however, this is incorrect...according to previous reports, the stadium will cost $800 million to build, while the Mets could get up to $400 million over 20 years from Citigroup...

...hmm, $400 million divided by 20 years is $20 million...hey, so, assuming Citigroup is still in business next season, how about they kick in a few more million, the Mets trade for Johan Santana and they write Citigroup on his back instead of his last name...

...that's a joke, by the way...

It's crazy, but it just might work! :-)

Posted by David Pinto at 01:15 PM | Trades | TrackBack (0)

"hey, so, assuming Citigroup is still in business next season..."
Likely, but a greater assumption than Metsblog thinks. Subprime slim, Chuckie "the Doomed" Prince, an extremely light exec bench all add up to disaster. Look for massive layoffs announced in the next few days. I expect C to be around a while, but one does not require a l;ong memory to recall Enron Fields and the like.

Posted by: abe at January 3, 2008 05:53 PM

According to "Lords of the Realm," the Phillies did something similar with their TV rights contract prior to the 1979 season - they felt they were just a bit shy of being able to afford Pete Rose, so they asked their TV station to raise their payments a little bit to make up the difference. They went for it, and everyone was happy with the results.

Posted by: Dr. Manhattan at January 3, 2008 07:40 PM
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