Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 04, 2008
Changing Pitches

Roch Kubatko notes Daniel Cabrera is working on his changeup.

I hear some people in the front office have lost patience with Cabrera, but it's not unanimous. There are enough people in the organization who aren't ready to give up on his arm. And it sounds like Cabrera is fine with pitching at the back of the rotation. He just wants the ball.

As long as he's not trying to throw it 100 mph every time he releases it, he should become a better pitcher.

The Orioles keep waiting - some patiently, some not.

Cabrera made progress bring down his walks last season, but his batting average allowed went up to .265, which seems high for a high strikeout pitcher. A better changeup likely leads to more swings and misses on his pitches in the strike zone.

Posted by David Pinto at 07:50 PM | Pitchers | TrackBack (0)
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