Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 07, 2008
Hughes or Ellsbury?

Aaron Gleeman makes a good case for the Twins preferring a Jacoby Ellsbury package to a Philip Hughes package.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:20 AM | Trades | TrackBack (0)

I read this as him making the case for Phil Hughes, twins need a big return and Hughes gives them the best chance of acheiving that.

Posted by: YankeeGM at January 7, 2008 09:44 AM

Yep, I think David didn't read to the end of the article.

"With that said, if the Twins view the secondary players (Lowrie, Masterson, Cabrera) in the various proposals as being somewhat close to equal, they'd be smart to go after the one player who clearly gives them the best chance to come away from the Santana deal with a superstar. In other words, Phil Hughes."

Posted by: James at January 7, 2008 10:30 AM

Actually, I did read to the end of the article. Gleeman made a good case for Ellsbury over Hughes. He wouldn't go that way, but it's still a good case.

Posted by: David Pinto at January 7, 2008 11:22 AM

David, I enjoy reading your blog, but I have to disagree with your assessment of the article. Gleeman's article clearly states that the twins would be smart to go for Hughes. What part of that statement makes you think that he's making a case of Ellsbury over Hughes? You're misleading the readers with your headline.

Posted by: raymagnetic at January 7, 2008 12:03 PM

Okay, I get it.
You're right, it is a good case. Gleeman is saying that *if* the Twins count the secondary prospect packages equally, and *if* they place a premium on a potential superstar as opposed to a surer bet with a lower ceiling, *then* they should go for Hughes. But you might think the secondary packages aren't equal and that the surer prospect is more valuable to an organization like Minnesota than the riskier, higher-ceiling guy. That's fair enough.

Posted by: James at January 7, 2008 12:07 PM

What happened to Hughes that all of the sudden he is no longer the poster boy of pitching prospects? He looked excellent while healthy in 2007, and its not as if he was consistently hurt.

Posted by: Brandon Heikoop at January 7, 2008 03:38 PM

It says that the Hughes package is much better than the one for Elsbury, which it def is. Its either getting someone who has the potential to be an ace starter or someone who has the potential to be a decent cf with no power.

Posted by: mlbfan at January 7, 2008 03:47 PM

Not sure how someone can read the very last sentence of that article and misinterpret the writer's agenda.

>> He looked excellent while healthy in 2007, and its not as if he was consistently hurt. >>

He had *one* leg injury that kept him out several months. The game in which he was hurt he had a no-no going through 6+ IP — if things had worked out, IMO the Twins would have been happy to take just Hughes & Cabrera.

Posted by: Pete at January 11, 2008 02:35 PM
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