Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 10, 2008
Santana Shuffle

The Yankees are moving away from making a deal for Johan Santana:

But while stressing there is "absolutely nothing new" in terms of recent trade discussions with the Twins, Hank is beginning to sound convinced - if not nearly ready - to walk away from any potential blockbuster deal for Johan Santana.

"We went into this with me making the final baseball decisions and Hal more addressing the financial aspects of the company, but we both do everything," Steinbrenner said yesterday in a phone interview. "We're equal partners, but at this point, to tell you the truth, I'm leaning away from it anyway, so it doesn't matter. Same thing with Brian, he's another integral part of it, obviously, being the general manager, and one day he's leaning to do it and the next day he's not sure.

"But what it comes down to right now is giving up a lot (in a trade) and then having to do the big contract, as well. If (Santana) was just a free agent, we could just go ahead and do it. There's a big difference this way. We have to sign him as if he's a free agent, plus you have to give up major talent. That's a tall order."

So if Johan can last until free agency, the Yankees are more than willing to pay him. Of course, the Mets might trade for him first.

Posted by David Pinto at 07:29 AM | Trades | TrackBack (0)

Dear Hank,

Shut the hell up.

Either Hank is a counterproductive blabbermouth or he and Cashman decided on a strategy early on of using the ownership switch to portray a front office that might be crazy enough to give away the farm for Santana in an effort to stall the Twins from trading Santana until the season starts because whatever offer the Mets make maybe the Yankees will come back and offer Hughes, Kennedy, Cano and Babe Ruth's jock strap.

Posted by: Jason at January 10, 2008 08:15 AM

Dear Hank,

Shut the hell up.

Either Hank is a counterproductive blabbermouth or he and Cashman decided on a strategy early on of using the ownership switch to portray a front office that might be crazy enough to give away the farm for Santana in an effort to stall the Twins from trading Santana until the season starts because whatever offer the Mets make maybe the Yankees will come back and offer Hughes, Kennedy, Cano and Babe Ruth's jock strap.

Posted by: Jason at January 10, 2008 08:15 AM

Dear Hank,

Shut the hell up.

Either Hank is a counterproductive blabbermouth or he and Cashman decided on a strategy early on of using the ownership switch to portray a front office that might be crazy enough to give away the farm for Santana in an effort to stall the Twins from trading Santana until the season starts because whatever offer the Mets make maybe the Yankees will come back and offer Hughes, Kennedy, Cano and Babe Ruth's jock strap.

Posted by: Jason at January 10, 2008 08:15 AM

I wonder if Yankee fans would be shouting "tampering" if other teams' representatives were always talking about Arod or Pettitte last year in this manner.

Posted by: Basura at January 10, 2008 08:52 AM

I think Hank has a brain. He realized that the trade wasn't worth it. If Santana does become a free agent the Yankees will just out bid everybody else.

Posted by: TC at January 10, 2008 08:54 AM

If he hits free agency he will be playing for the Mets. That is his preference, they will be opening a new stadium, and they look to have a disappointing season. Basically it will be a sequel to the off season signings of Pedro and Beltran, only this guy is actually attracted to the organization.

Posted by: abe at January 10, 2008 09:09 AM

I can definitely see a tampering charge here: "Johann, don't give up your no trade clause, the big Yankee contract will be waiting for you next year; you don't want to be pitching for a semi-depleted Yankee team."

Seems like the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree in the Big Apple.

Posted by: rbj at January 10, 2008 09:18 AM

I'm not sure if it's tampering if a player being discussed is involved in an active trade discussion. Though I could be wrong, I think Keith Law or Jayson Stark or someone mentioned it in one of their chats a couple weeks back on

Posted by: Ben at January 10, 2008 10:57 AM

It may not be "tampering" per se but if you read between the lines you know what Hank is saying.

He's basically telling Johan that if he blocks a trade to any other team the Yankees will give him everything including the old stadium to come to the Bronx.

Abe, has any free agent who the Yankees wanted ever chosen the Mets over the Yankees? It's rumored that Beltran wanted to take less dough to play for the Yankees.

Posted by: raymagnetic at January 10, 2008 11:48 AM

True Ray, but Santana has indicated the Mets are his choice in NYC. Given that, all Omar needs to do is match the dollars and years. In light of this season's collapse, and the current roster, I expect them to be the high FA bidder if he hits freedom. Keep in mind Omar out bid Cashman for Dice K, unfortunately he still came in second.

Posted by: abe at January 10, 2008 09:09 PM
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