Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 12, 2008
Money for Miguel

The Detroit Free Press notes the Tigers are trying to sign Miguel Cabrera to a long-term contract. The article puts a lower limit on Miguel at $20 million per year. I think that's too low. Not only is Miguel already one of the best hitters in the game, but if he waits for free agency, he'll hit it at the start of his peak period, just like Alex Rodriguez did. Miguel on the market in two years time would likely fetch close to $30 million a season. Let's say he signs a six year deal for $30 million per, and earns $25 million in arbitration for 2008 and 2009. That's $205 million over the next eight seasons.

The risk in waiting, of course, is that Miguel gets hurt. So how much is that risk worth to him. If they Tigers offer six years, $20 million per year, I think he'll take that. He makes $120 million, and can become a free agent at age 30, where he'll likely get a six-year deal in excess of $30 million a season. He might actually end up making close to the same money by signing now for $20 million a year! Both the team and the player make out well at that price.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:10 AM | Players | TrackBack (0)

Another risk, is that playing in games that matter against teams that matter could lessen his statistics. Although I think at 26, his Florida years would be enough to erase anything short of Mendoza (or Andy Marte) play. Think Adrian Beltre.

Posted by: Brandon Heikoop at January 12, 2008 03:12 PM

The other risk is that he can't play anywhere in the field except 1B. He was awful with FL at 3B last year.

Posted by: Bandit at January 14, 2008 11:47 AM
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