Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 16, 2008
Signs in the Bronx

WasWatching notes the raising of the Yankee Stadium sign on the new ballpark and quotes extensively from the New York Post article. This has to be wrong, however:

But the progress on the $930 million stadium is evident: The steelwork appears mostly done, and the dimensions of the ballfield - about the same as the 1923 stadium - are now clear, as are the twin decks of the stands.

The 1923 version of Yankee Stadium had a 460 foot left field power alley. With A-Rod on the team, I don't think they are going for that much of a death valley.

Posted by David Pinto at 12:14 PM | Stadiums | TrackBack (0)

that would be hilarious, if they put all those HR bonuses in his contract, and then built a stadium with a 460 ft left field fence...

Posted by: Mike at January 16, 2008 01:17 PM

With a 295' RF porch (if they truly are going to an old dimension Yankee Stadium), all he needs to do is have Matsui show him how to hit lefthanded. . .

Posted by: rbj at January 16, 2008 02:10 PM

I would assume it refers to the outside dimensions of the stadium structure not the field itself.

Posted by: sig at January 16, 2008 04:04 PM

I'm thinking the author just used "the 1923 Stadium" as a shorthand to refer to the current Yankee Stadium and by implication, it's current dimensions.

An editor should have picked that up.
Poor writing in the Post? I, for one, am shocked.

Posted by: MRL at January 16, 2008 06:07 PM
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