Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 23, 2008
Top Ten List

Lou Gehrig is the top ten Yankees first baseman. (Hat tip, My Baseball Bias)

This reminds me of the only good joke I've ever invented. After the 1986 World Series, the standard joke was, "Bill Buckner tried to commit suicide by running in front of a truck, but it went between his legs." Here's my take on that series:

After the 1986 World Series, Bill Buckner drove John McNamara and Davey Johnson on a ski trip. While driving up the mountain, Buckner's foot seized, slamming on the gas pedal and sending the car and passengers over a cliff to their doom.

When they get to heaven, God feels bad for Davey and John since they won't get to manage the All-Star game. God says, "We have lots of great players here, why don't you choose sides and play a game? Davey, since you won the World Series, pick first. Whom would you like at first base?"

Johnson replies, "Lou Gehrig, of course."

"And you, John?" God asks.

"I'll take Bill Buckner," McNamara responds.

God is surprised by the choice. "With all the great players we have here, why Buckner?"

"Because he's the one who got us here!"

Posted by David Pinto at 01:10 PM | All-Time Greats | TrackBack (0)

LOL that's great!

Posted by: Devon at January 23, 2008 01:52 PM

Suicide jokes are a laff riot

Posted by: Bandit at January 23, 2008 02:12 PM

Don't quit your day job.(lol)

Posted by: Mark at January 23, 2008 03:15 PM

I always feel sorry for him, what about the relief pitchers that put the game in that situation in the first place?

Posted by: t ball at January 23, 2008 03:23 PM

"I always feel sorry for him, what about the relief pitchers that put the game in that situation in the first place?"

Or the manager that left an injured Buckner in for the final outs of the game instead of pulling him for a defensive replacement like he'd done in each of the other World Series games...

Posted by: the other josh at January 23, 2008 06:08 PM
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