Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 23, 2008
Questions Answered

Phil Hughes answers readers questions, including how he throws his curve ball:

There are a few different ways to throw a curveball. The most traditional way is to keep your middle and index finger down on the baseball. The way I throw it is to "spike" my index finger on the ball by digging my nail into the seam. This is known as a spike curveball, or knuckle curve. I'll bet there are quite a few guys that throw it this way, Mike Mussina and Ian Kennedy being 2 I know for sure.

I've never heard of this pitch refered to as a spike curveball before.

Posted by David Pinto at 04:23 PM | Pitchers | TrackBack (0)

The Spike Curve is now what they used to call the Knuckle Curve of Mike Mussina since the pitch doesn't really knuckle like old school Burt Hooten.

Posted by: Trenchtown at January 23, 2008 05:43 PM
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