Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 24, 2008
Canseco and Ordonez

Jose Canseco's new book suffers another setback in credibility. The first ghost writer quit due to lack of evidence, and now there are allegations Canseco tried to solicit money from Magglio Ordonez to keep the Tigers outfielder out of the book:

José Canseco, the former major league slugger and admitted steroid user who exposed other players in his 2005 best-selling book "Juiced," offered to keep a Detroit Tigers outfielder "clear" in his next book if the player invested money in a film project Canseco was promoting, according to a person in baseball with knowledge of the situation.

Four people in baseball confirmed that referrals were made from Major League Baseball to the F.B.I. regarding Canseco's actions relating to the six-time All-Star outfielder Magglio Ordóñez, who was not mentioned in Canseco's earlier book or in any other report on performance-enhancing drugs in baseball. All four insisted on anonymity because they said they didn't have authority to speak about the events.

Posted by David Pinto at 07:55 AM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)
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