Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 25, 2008
It Was the One-Armed Man!

Chuck Knoblauch is still hiding out:

He can pull an Abbie Hoffman, eluding Big John Law for years, now and then granting interviews to selected media. He'll become Che' Knoblauch, a symbol of growth hormone rights, the man who refused to turn his butt in to the brownshirts of the totalitarian state. Noam Chomsky will cite him. Keith Olbermann will forgive him for beaning Keith's mom behind first base. He will be the Yankee That Got Away.

In this day and age, I would think it's pretty difficult to hide out. If he uses a credit card or ATM, someone is going to know about it. I would guess they can even ping his cell phone to get a fix on his location. I hope someone writes a book about how Chuck is eluding authorities.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:57 AM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)

I think he is hanging out with Jerome Kerviel. Just a hunch...

Posted by: abe at January 25, 2008 11:05 AM

This isn't like he is hiding out from an arrest warrant or anything. I have no idea if he is evading a subpoena or just happens to be on vacation. But, in any event, this isn't remotely comparable to someone who is fleeing arrest.

Posted by: C Johnson at January 25, 2008 12:30 PM

I don't think it is a hard as you think even today to just disappear. Go to the Cayman Islands and open a fictitious ID bank account with a VISA or MC ATM Card. Move all your money to this account and the Feds will no longer be able to trace it unless they find out from some source other then the Cayman Bank what your ID is. Then just use cash to buy a new prepaid and annomous cell phone every time you decide to contact anyone from your past. The Feds won't be able to ping the number because they won't know the number and it is highly unlikely that they are at this point bugging the phones of those he is likely to be trying to contract. Even if the Feds start to do this the courts will not allow them to do it beyond a very limited time period. They would have to get lucky or know which week or two he is likely to try and make contract.

Posted by: giantsrainman at January 25, 2008 07:38 PM

I do not know about that, g-rainman. Has anyone besides Whitey Bulger successfully lambed it in the last decade?

Posted by: abe at January 26, 2008 10:34 AM
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