Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
April 19, 2008
Big Benching

Josh Alpers suggests that Frank Thomas' benching may have more to do with his contract than his performance:

The Big Hurt has an option for $10 million in 2009 which vests after 304 more plate appearances this season. The Jays shouldn't be too surprised by his slow start. Over his long career, Thomas's April numbers are well below his work in other months.

It's also odd given the overall lack of punch in the Toronto lineup. They are slugging but .372 as a whole and have only eight homers from non-Thomas players. Shaking things up is fine but without a better option on the roster it seems pretty clear that the Jays are letting finances dictate their lineup.

While Thomas hasn't hit that well he has draw eleven walks so at least his OBA is over .300. He's not hitting great, but he hasn't lost his batting eye.

Posted by David Pinto at 07:15 PM | Management | TrackBack (0)

OPS is 639. and this is about his contract?
Yeah, Jays dont want a guy around who is hitting 639.

Posted by: sweat at April 20, 2008 10:23 AM

Like the Turk says in the Godfather 'this is business'

Posted by: Bandit at April 21, 2008 08:39 AM
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