Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
April 24, 2008
Waiver Pick

The Oakland Athletics picked up Rajai Davis from the San Francisco Giants.

Davis, designated for assignment three days earlier by the Giants, will join the team today. Good in the field and fast, Davis is likely to be used as a late-innings defensive player and pinch runner.

"He's dynamic in terms of his speed and baserunning," assistant general manager David Forst said. "That's something that's nice to have and it's not easy to find."

Not mentioned is that he put up a pretty good OBA in 2007. I'm not surprised the Athletics took this players, I'm surprised that teams ahead of the A's in waiver order didn't.

Posted by David Pinto at 07:31 AM | Transactions | TrackBack (0)

Hey, another outfielder for the A's!

I live in Indianapolis, and watched Davis play a lot - he's a fan favorite, and very exciting to see every day. I just hope he gets an opportunity to see some more playing time.

Posted by: Nor at April 24, 2008 09:06 AM
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