Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
July 01, 2008
Developing Talent

The Padres find a second baseman who can hit, and he's a 30-year-old rookie. Edgar V. Gonzalez put up good minor league numbers for a long time. It's amazing no one found a place for him sooner. Kudos to the Padres for realizing he might be useful after five organizations failed to call him up.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:05 AM | Players | TrackBack (0)

Let's not credit the Padres too much. They had to call up somebody when Tadahito Iguchi went down with an injury and Edgar was the one available and was hitting at the time. Stansberry wasn't hitting much, neither was the prospect Matt Antonelli.

Good to see Edgar making the best of his opportunity to get to play in his hometown and along his brother.

Posted by: Didi at July 1, 2008 12:53 PM

Actually, Bud Black waned Edgar on the opening day roster but couldn't find room for him because of a rule V player, who was eventually released.

It's going to be interesting to see what happens when Iguchi returns from the DL. My guess is that he'll be traded. The Pads have to be looking at Edgar as their second baseman for next year. Matt Antonelli was originally projected to be in that position next year, but he's still struggling at AAA Portland. It's true that Edgar would be a terrific utility player, but if he continues to hit above .300, they may be forced to keep him in the lineup.

Posted by: Dean Whitney at July 1, 2008 01:17 PM
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