Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
November 12, 2008
Ambassador Ripken

Cal Ripken continues his work for the State Department with a trip to Nicaragua. He'll be blogging for MASN during his visit:

Cal Ripken Jr. will travel to Nicaragua on behalf of the State Department from November 13-18 to bring the Ripken Baseball brand of instruction to over 500 Nicaraguan children and 100 youth coaches. Throughout the trip, Ripken will be blogging on about his experience. Cal's blog will contain trip updates, stories about the children he meets, reflections about the country's baseball culture and photographs from his travels.

During the five day trip, Ripken will visit the cities of Managua, Leon and Granada. He will be joined by Hall of Famer, former teammate and Nicaraguan native Dennis Martinez. The 23-year Major League veteran and 4-time All Star finished his playing career in 1998 with 245 victories and a 3.70 ERA. The duo will be joined by two instructors from Ripken Baseball.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:19 AM | International | TrackBack (0)

this segment references "Hall of Famer, former teammate and Nicaraguan native Dennis Martinez"...the thought of Martinez as a HOF caught me off guard, and the almighty Baseball-Ref has not mention of it. I could totally be wrong, and frequently am, but don't believe he is in the Hall. On another note, thank you for the immense pleasure and enjoyment your work brings to my life! If my boss knew how often I addictively check your site for any info it would be apparent that I read your site more than I work (almost)!!! Thanks for your awesome work that I really really enjoy! have a great day!

Posted by: james cohen at November 12, 2008 02:28 PM

Put Dennis Martinez down for a Perfect Game but don't put him down for HOF.

Posted by: Bob S at November 12, 2008 10:30 PM
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