Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 08, 2008
Playing for Teixeira

The Nationals talk about trying to sign Teixeira, or other big free agents:

Speaking generally of the feedback the team has gotten from free agents, Bowden said, "Players recognize we have one of the finest ballparks in the game. They recognize we are located in the most powerful city in the world. They also know, if they come here, we may not be ready to win next year, but [ellipses] they also look at all the other pieces and the potential revenue and the young players coming, and say, 'This franchise is on the way up.'"

One Nationals official acknowledged the unlikelihood the team could land Teixeira--"I don't feel real good about our chances," he said--but added, "You can't win if you don't play."

I like the fact that the Nationals are at least in the game. Signing big name free agents is a great way to generate interest in the team, and Nationals really need that.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:14 PM | Free Agents | TrackBack (0)
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